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Although all aspects of the ministry (pastor, evangelist, missionary, teacher, special ministry, and so on) must be managed professionally, honestly, and with integrity. Almost all pastors would agree that in order for pastors to manage effectively they must spend hours in prayer, study, and meditation, seeking God’s direction and guidance.
Second, we at Resurrection & New Life Fellowship believe, pastors must manage the ministry to which God has called them with proficiency and aptness by selecting qualified people to help him or her with administrative duties.
Mission Statement
Our mission is follow God. In order to be effective in our mission to following God, we recognize that no one should be a one-person administration. God has placed capable helpers in this church who are qualified to help the pastor with the administrative duties of the church.
Organizations, like people, have values. To be effective in an organization, a person’s values must be compatible with the organizations values. They do not have to be the same, but close enough to co-exist.
The purpose our church administration is to manage Resurrection & New Life Fellowship. The church administration plans and make all decisions, both large and small, for day-to-day consistency. Since this administration is religious, it must stay true to the morals and practices of the church.
Furthermore, to be successful and have a growing church, we need to continue to run our church offices in a businesslike manner. Our pastor have an office in the church, and have a secretary. We would like to believe our secretary is in tune with the pastor, loyal to the pastor, and concerned about upholding the integrity of the pastor and the church. He maintains regular office hours.
The Right People
In light of the rise of national awareness of impropriety in the church and religious organizations, it is extremely important for us to ensure that the people who are put in charge of financial resources be of the highest caliber and have undeniable integrity. By demonstrating faithfulness to previously assigned tasks and duties and by exhibiting the leadership qualities detailed in 1 Timothy 3:2-7, 12 and Titus 1:7.
Staffing Decisions
As we continue to experience growth and reaches a certain level of attendance, additional ministerial staff members may be considered. However, much prayer and contemplation will take place to make sure this is God’s direction for our church.
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